more pictures over at http://owlsforbreakfast.blogspot.com

click on them to see them bigger!

<3 Lindsay


more pictures

Michael Jordan (the band) posted some really great pictures of us on their blog! They're from our tour kickoff show at Courtlandt-Land!


tour pictures!

i posted a bunch here.

we have a weekend coming up with screaming females and cheeky! stay tuned!



on tour with snake vision

i peed in a lot of toilets on tour. i only forgot to photograph one of them.


01.10.08 - 902 Davis


Russ took pictures of us at his house. MICHIGAN IS OUR FAVORITE STATE.

01.09.08 - Legion of Doom


Jimmy took some awesome pictures of us at his house the other night. He is the best dude in the world.



we're on tour! we're at tower 2012 in cleveland, ohio just hanging out before we play later.

so far we have:
1. had a girl pass out during our set

we've been lucky enough to see a bunch of our friends from new brunswick for the past few days in brooklyn and pittsburgh.

we went to the rock and roll hall of fame today. because we are a touring band, we can get in for free if we give a copy of our CD. when they saw our CD and snake vision's CD with slip covers and no bar code, the lady said, "you need to have CDs like this," and help up Seasick's CD. they were there too! then she told us, "come back when you're actually famous." but we got in for free anyway.



Tour Kickoff

this is probably my last post until we get back. last night was our tour kickoff at courtlandt-land. it was a blast. thanks to everyone who came and for the courtlandt-land residents for making it happen. now i have to go pack!

we uh, have some shows coming up. maybe you should come to one!

I didn't get any pictures of Satan's Fingers and the Hospital Bombers cos I didn't have my camera until later. If you have any pictures from the show you should send them to us!

michael jordan

each other's mothers

snake vision

joe and i both have a deep love for ketchup

family portrait!

-jacki sulley