Grace EP review on CIRCLING THE DRAIN:
Tin Kitchen is another great display of 90s emo, and as you can see from my previous posts I'm on a roll. The vocals of Tin Kitchen remind me of Rainer Maria mixed with Hop Along but with a more distorted and depressing sound. They have that noodley guitar effect which makes me think of Empire! Empire! and Football, etc a little bit, but then they have more solid riffs and they come into their own but with small signs of early Promise Ring and Mineral. If you can't find this description at least somewhat peaking your interest, then you need to leave this blog right here and now. Tin Kitchen, though sadly defunct, will always have a spot in underground twinkly emo history.
Tin Kitchen writeup on ZINE AND NOT HEARD:
"I blame three institutions for why i’m so hooked on whiny emo right now and they are CYLS and SNCL and IYMI, saying them as they are is no fun so i enclose them merely as acroynms. You could say this blog has now turned into a copy and paste joby from the abovementioned IYMI, with this being the now third offering from that wonderful site. One could say it’s now becoming very difficult to pick faults with any of the albums put up on there. Tin Kitchen are three young ladies making beautiful sounding 90’s emo reminiscent of stuff like mineral and the promise ring. From what i gather on internet forums and around is they were very short-lived and only released 3 songs, thankfully though these ladies are still making songs. Lindsay now plays in the more male majority football, etc (again really fucking good) while Jackie now jams in Little Lungs and Hop Along (recurring theme of greatness here). If your life is going no-where and you need something for moral support try this, it will break your heart in a nice way."
Tin Kitchen writeup on YOUSMELLLIKEPASTE:
"tin kitchen is an amazing display of the 90's twinkly indie sound that made bands like stella worshiped around ten years later. the vocal styling are given in such a great manner that you wish you were on your hospital bed and had someone singing to you. once in a while you come around a band like this and i definitely think they will be the last of their kind for a long while. They are now defunct."
Grace EP review on SOUND AS LANGUAGE:
"Tin Kitchen are three young ladies from the fertile grounds of New Brunswick, New Jersey. From the very beginning, I love the feeling this EP gives off. It’s like the first time I heard Rainer Maria way back in the day. And funny thing is, Kyle Fischer from Rainer Maria recorded these three songs. Coincidence? I have no idea but the two bands share some definite similarities. Much like those earlier records from Rainer Maria, you can feel the raw emotion emanating from these songs. But, Tin Kitchen’s songs are also a bit more off-kilter than Rainer Maria’s more straightforward approach. Perhaps there is a bit of the Sleater-Kinney angularity at work there. For all the older folks (like myself), there are also some similarities to Boston emo band Jejune as well. But enough of the comparisons, Tin Kitchen are quite capable of standing completely on their own. These three songs were recorded live so the material possesses a rough, worn sheen. Frankly though, that only adds to band’s charm. Tin Kitchen do so many things right…the melodies, the heart, the sincerity…it’s all here. And it all makes for quite an impressive beginning."
Grace EP review on COLLECTIVE ZINE:
''Sometimes I potter around on the internet, desperate to find a new band that sounds kind of like the bands I listened to about 8 or 9 years ago. I don't really have much luck. Fortunately, one or two blogs do post about new music that I actually am interested in, particularly Sound as Language. That is where I found out about Tin Kitchen. Tin Kitchen were a very short lived band from Brooklyn or something. They recorded this 3 songs cdep with Kyle Fischer from Rainer Maria, and I guess that's appropriate, as the band kind of fit in with RM and bands from back then. "F Sharp" opens things up with some nice, rolling emo / indie. It's all endearingly lofi, guitars push things along, Lindsay's vocals are a little off-key but then that's part of the charm with bands like this. The title track is the answer to the question "What would Mineral have sounded like if they had female vocals?". Linday lingers over words for ages, like Simpson at his most miserable. Superb. The guitars are like early Promise Ring, simple but pushing things along. Things speed up and get messy after two minutes, with squealing Mineral-esque feedback. Final song "Archibald Alexander" is the pick for me - very repeteitive musically and lyrically (a song about rain and clouds and leaves), with Evergreen style bass and soaring moments of wonderfulness as the song builds up. So, so good. I guess overall the band is somewhere between very early Promise Ring, Lazarus Plot and Mineral. If that doesn't make you want to check them out straight away, then I'm sorry. Too bad this is all they recorded, but folks from the band have other things going on, and I am sure they'll be reviewed on here in due course.''
Grace EP review on AFTERELLEN.COM:
"They're a band from the East Coast (New Jersey, specifically), and their three-song EP, Grace, was recorded in Brooklyn this past winter. If you're into queer new-wave bands like Boyskout, you'll dig their post-punk sound. Though I wasn't digging the vocalist's nasal tone, I was way into their overall distortion, especially on the title track. I'm hoping for more from Tin Kitchen in the future, but a new singer might be too much to ask for."
Grace EP review on GUMPYS HAUS:
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